Friday, December 31, 2010

2011: Year of the Empress

In my own little world, I am declaring 2011 the Year of the Empress.

Every woman is Empress of her home, whether she lives alone, is a single mother, is a working wife or mother, or especially if she stays at home. As a daughter, and therefore an Empress-in-training it is my duty, nay, my joy, to cultivate those traits and habits which befit an Empress, that when my Emperor arrives to take me to our shared domain I may be well-equipped and well-prepared to assisst him in ruling.

Throughout this year I will be chronicling my own adventures in preparation for Empresshood, and will be posting them here for your entertainment, edification and amusement.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Hello and welcome! This blog deals with many aspects of my daily life, from the sweet and silly to the sad and stressful. And like any blogger, I CRAVE feedback.

There will be times when this blog deals with weighty issues of doctrine and theology. I welcome various differing opinions and believe civil, healthy debate is a good thing. However, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all, as the saying goes, and I will defend the Church if She comes under attack. Thank you for understanding. :-)